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PET is not trash, it’s raw material

We are your trusted partner in PET Bottle recycling, committed to making a positive impact on the environment by providing efficient and sustainable solutions for PET Bottle recycling.

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41 Dover Road, Ardbennie,
Harare, Zimbabwe

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PetrecoZim Documentary with SNV

Watch this documentary on PetrecoZim.

What started as a potential environmental disaster has now been turned into a million-dollar industry. Pre-2011, PET bottles were considered the most problematic waste stream in the country. A few years later, the bottles are now a resource in demand. The PET recycling project pioneered by Petrecozim (Pvt) Ltd has created opportunities for a lot of people especially in the low-income category. Waste pickers who (for long) have struggled as the local recycling industry was facing collapse, suddenly have a potential to survive from a new income stream. We are proud to have played a leading role in this turnaround. Because of our resolve to enter this unchartered territory, we have demystified the long-held misconception that PET bottles are not recyclable.

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